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Showing posts from January, 2020


In era where junk  food and  sedentary lifestyles are booming up, FITNESS has become essential part of everyone's life. What is FITNESS?  What should be criteria to know "we are fit or not"? Definition of Fitness can't be taken as mentioned on Google,  for everyone Fitness is different. Having six packs abs is Fitness for some people,  for some people it is EATING healthy food. For me Fitness is being Free from Diseases mentally as well as physically. In our society, people are judged by their body type , the person whose body is not in shape , the one who looks fat is marked as "UnFit". Above thing should not be the criteria to judge anyone,  it is not the body shape,  it is "percentage of fat" in body that defines you are fit or not.  "Some percentage of fat" signifies presence of "Bad Cholesterol",  that bad cholesterol is responsible for many diseases, including heart diseases. Before joining Gym , Yoga