"Sensei", "shihan", "kyoshi"......are terms used to signify karate experience. But do you think these terms are making justice in today's karate? They aren't because people are using these terminology infront of their name on basis certificate paper rather then "Karate experience" In many parts of our country people are selling certificates, without exams, without seeing individual karate knowledge and without seeing their training. Soo people don't hesitate in using any of above mentioned words.. Many individuals are misguided because of this, because people believe that if a coach is using "shihan" then they must be having very great knowledge which will help them to grow at great heights in karate One will fall for that but at later stage true karateka will realize whether coach is having great knowledge or not. To all those people who use any of the terms like "sensei, shihan, kyoshi"....just on basis of ce
I m Nidhi Rawal a Karate Athlete, Social Media Influencer . My way of life is in helping aspiring karatekas to grow in karate by sharing my knowledge through karate blogs , motivational blogs and blogs on success. Know more about me @_shotokan_karate_